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Respect Life


The respect life subcommittee helps St James pray, learn and take action in support of pro-life issues.  There are a wide variety of respect life concerns including:  abortion, capital punishment, assisted suicide, unjust war and euthanasia.

Contact:  Tom Oskey at 262-246-9327 


On Respect Life Sunday, which is the first Sunday of October, we published an article in the bulletin and printed a prayer for life on the back of the order of worship. We also had pamphlets printed for parishioners to learn more about respect life issues.

Pro-Life Rosaries


Catholics4LIFE has been organized specifically for Catholics in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee to draw together support to promote LIFE. The organization will work to coordinate activities at the parish level throughout the Archdiocese through their respective Respect Life Committees.


Use of pornography called ‘mortal sin’ if done with ‘deliberate consent’

For year of mercy, Pope extends possibilities for absolution

Pope Francis tells single mother “you respected life…don’t be ashamed”

Pope to Catholic Lawmakers: Be strong.  Protect Life.


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“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” – Edmund Burke