All Are Welcome! More Info



This committee focuses on showing the vibrancy of St James as a faith community as well as on raising funds through various social activities. Some of the activities happening at St. James: Fellowship Weekends, Holly Days, and the Annual Thrift Sale.

Contact: St. James at 262-251-3944 if interested.

Building and Grounds

Works with the maintenance staff to plan projects and make recommendations when major repairs or decisions about the plant need to be addressed. They also oversee a spring and fall cleanup of the grounds and advise & assist as needed in maintenance areas. Maintenance Department: 262-250-2660 or

Health Ministries

May the God of Peace make you completely holy and may your Spirit and Soul and Body be kept sound.

1Thessalonians 5:23

Here at St. James, health ministry encompasses many ministries that respond to the holistic aspect of health and wellness focusing on mind, body and spirit.  We want to meet the needs of all our members and neighbors health needs.  Our Pastoral Health Care Coordinator helps you to see the connections between your health and faith so that no matter what circumstances you might find yourself in you may experience God’s healing love.  She works closely with a health ministry committee who meet on a monthly basis.  Anointing of the Sick is one way in which we offer the sick the healing presence of our Lord and is held twice a year at all three of our masses as well as individually as needed.  The other ministries that make up the St. James health ministry are:  Eucharistic visits ministry to the sick and homebound, the card ministry, meal ministry, blood pressure screening ministry, bereavement companion ministry, our prayer shawl ministry and the Elizabeth Ministry.  The health ministry could not be successful if it was not for the many parish volunteers who assist our parish nurse.  Perhaps there may be an opportunity for you to serve in one of these ministries, if so please call or e-mail our office.

Human Concerns

See Human Concerns Tab on Top Line of Main Menu

Elizabeth Ministry Rosebud Program

The Rosebud Program is a visual reminder of the precious blessing of each new life.  Each color rose represents a sacred life.  We welcome all of our parishioners to utilize this meaningful program.  The rosebud vase with the roses and directions is set up on a table by the statue of the Blessed Mother in the alcove to the left of the altar.  It is located there so you can feel free to spend some quiet time in prayer with our Blessed Mother after choosing a rose and placing it in the vase.

The roses have a tag to write your intention on, and there are prayer cards for you to take for each color rose.  Your prayers will be placed in the prayers of intention book so that we may continue to keep you and your concerns in our prayers as a community of faith at Saint James.

Prayer Network

If you have a prayer request, please send an email to Terri Grimmer at:


The purpose of the St. James Stewardship committee is to foster an awareness of God’s abundant blessings in the gifts He has given each of us, and to encourage parishioners to respond to God’s love by sharing the gifts of time, talent & treasure. It sees all groups & individuals as a vital part of helping stewardship be an integral part of parish life, working to make the mission of the parish more fully realized.


Tom Becker – 414-531-7664