All Are Welcome! More Info

Contact Us

St. James Catholic Church
W220 N6588 Town Line Rd.
Menomonee Falls, WI   53051

(262) 251-3944   (Parish Office)
(262) 251-0897   (Christian Formation Office)

Email address:

Office Hours:  Monday – Friday 7:30 am – 3:30 pm

Christian Formation Office Hours:  8:00 am – 12:00 pm Sunday; 8:00 am – 4:00 pm Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday; 8:00 am – 2:00 pm Friday


Administrative Office

  • Reverend John Hemsing, Pastor                                             (262) 251-3944
  • Deacon Lance Tappa                                                                  (262) 253-2241
  • Barbara Schuelke, Director of Liturgy & Music                    (262) 253-2225
  • Terri Weber, Director of Administrative Services                (262) 253-2259
  • Michelle Beimborn, Administrative Assistant                      (262) 253-2235
  • Miriam Lezama, Administrative Assistant                             (262) 253-2213

Christian Formation

  • Sue Devine Simon, Director of CF Adult & Family Min.   (262) 251-0897
  • Kristin Kebis, Child Ministry Coordinator                            (262) 253-2908
  • Amy Ruege, Administrative Assistant                                   (262) 253-2902

Health Ministry

  • Kristen Winter, Pastoral Health Care Coordinator             (262) 250-2663

Maintenance Department

  • Mike Gast                                                                           (262) 250-2660
  •    (After Hours)                                                                 (262) 389-6089
  • Sean Hutchinson                                                              (262) 250-2660

Staff Emails:


Sussex Food Pantry:   262-246-9860

Interfaith:   549-3348

St. Vincent de Paul:   262-251-3944 (St. James)

St. Vincent de Paul has a collection box here at St. James!  Clothing IN ANY CONDITION will support this cause. New and gently used clothing will wind up on their display racks. Clothing that is ripped, dirty, smelly or in some other way inappropriate for sale in the store can still be sold in bulk. There are companies willing to buy them! The SVdP Collection Box is located in front of the parish garage directly across the driveway from the parish office and Historic Chapel.