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The saints are more than lovely pictures on a holy card. If we dig a little deeper, their lives can challenge and transform our own. On February 8th, the Church celebrates St. Josephine Bakhita. As a young girl, St. Josephine was kidnapped from her family in Darfur and sold into slavery at age nine. She was introduced to Catholicism as an adolescent and experienced a profound love for Jesus Christ. St. Josephine eventually gained legal freedom and entered religious life. Though she bore over one hundred scars beneath her habit, St. Josephine forgave her enemies and became known in the convent for her humility and joyful spirit.
Author Fr. Jeff Kirby writes, “Saint Josephine gives us all a scarred and human face to the evils of human trafficking, racial tension, and of the brutality found in the peripheries. Her life demands a response.” As we approach the season of Lent, let us recall our own call to conversion and an active concern for those who suffer. ©LPi
St. James and Good Shepherd has had an active anti trafficking ministry for a number of years. They are joining in a campaign called HEMAD (Human trafficking Educators working with Men and boys to stand Against the Demand) The Anti-Trafficking Ministry is asking the men of St. James to take a stand against human trafficking.
To take a stand:
Go to this link:
- Watch the video
- Take the pledge (submit short form)
- Share w/ other men / men’s groups
For more information or to get involved in the anti-trafficking ministry contact the parish office.
Come Let Us Adore
Happy New Year! I have a plea to make and it’s something that would be a wonderful New Year’s resolution. I would like to ask you to prayerfully consider adding a Eucharistic adoration holy hour to your weekly routine. At St. James, we have a faithful group of “adorers” on Tuesdays and Saturday morning. But, I would love to see that number grow! In fact, I would love to see us have every hour covered on Tuesdays and a list of backups to call if people are not able to make their holy hour. Right now, we have adoration from 8:30am – 5pm on Tuesdays and 7am – 8am on Saturday mornings in the old chapel.
So, back to my plea. We have created a Signup Genius link to keep track of everything. Simply go to or scan the QR code and sign up for an hour that you can commit to each week. If you’re not that tech savy, you can contact the parish office. They will let us know what you’re committing to or just your thoughts in general on what we can do
to generate interest and commitment. I promise you that you will not regret making this decision to grow in holiness!! May God bless you and your families!
Deacon Lance
St. James 2024 Annual Report
Following are prayers from Pope Francis for peace in Russia and the Ukraine:
Prayers for Peace in Time of War
Helping Families in Ukraine – Catholic Relief Services
Reconciliation/Confession is Available At:
St. James – On Saturday from 3:45-4:15 prior to the 4:30 Mass
At any other time, set up an appointment with Fr. John
Morning Mass
Wednesdays and Fridays at 8:00 am in the Historic Chapel
Eucharistic Adoration
Tuesdays, 8:30 am – 4:00 pm
Holy Hour & Rosary 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Saturday, 7 am – 8 am